Exchanged on Broadway and Washington Place by Elisabeth Pitts

Exchanged on Broadway and Washington Place
I am not opposed to hearing them out
Especially if they come up with something creative
Beyond, get in the car girls. Let me get between you
I can easily say fuck you big boy. It makes this one pause until he sees
I’m wearing these big plasticky pants, with huge pockets
And they’re hanging off my hips almost at the crotch and
Naomi likes them and so do I, she still checked me out at the light
But it’s been laundry day for a week so he says nice thong
And I would really like to say, you too but I get a little scared.
So we go into the sex shop behind us because it is still fantastically
Open and very bright and has got a million candy items in the window
And we walk in without even holding hands anymore because we are
Working on it, and we take a good look at everything inside.
Incredibly, that penis is seventeen inches
It would go straight through a person is that the reasoning?
I’ve heard of stuff like this she says,
It’s nearly always some freak, some guy
And I won’t say this to her but I don’t think we should be conflating the two,
I like guys I think they’re really smart and I would honestly
Hear them out on most topics if it came down to that. So freaks,
Freaks freaks, I do like the way it spins in my mouth a little bit.
We look and look and then we figure it’s time we turn around and get home
Well I don’t really like the blanket that I’m sleeping with
On the sofa but I don’t want to pressure her so I’m staying there
And the blanket will absolutely do when we turn the heat off at night.
Lying there sometimes with the woolprint on my cheek I’m afraid I’ll start to hallucinate
And it itches like a motherfucker and so I think, motherfucker
And I think, nice thong you too and I think when did I stop getting smarter.
If I was one of them I would probably hang my tongue out of my mouth
You know what I mean, when a girl goes by I figure I should try to understand
What the guys go through cause I’m a real dog too, that way they’d see I’m
Usually nicer than the moments they catch me in
When I’ve got Naomi around or even when I don’t because
I can’t seem to hide by myself either and if I’m going to be on that couch at least I would like
For nobody to know.
Exchanged on Broadway and Washington Place by Elisabeth Pitts
Exchanged on Broadway and Washington Place by Elisabeth Pitts
Exchanged on Broadway and Washington Place by Elisabeth Pitts
Words by

Exchanged on Broadway and Washington Place
I am not opposed to hearing them out
Especially if they come up with something creative
Beyond, get in the car girls. Let me get between you
I can easily say fuck you big boy. It makes this one pause until he sees
I’m wearing these big plasticky pants, with huge pockets
And they’re hanging off my hips almost at the crotch and
Naomi likes them and so do I, she still checked me out at the light
But it’s been laundry day for a week so he says nice thong
And I would really like to say, you too but I get a little scared.
So we go into the sex shop behind us because it is still fantastically
Open and very bright and has got a million candy items in the window
And we walk in without even holding hands anymore because we are
Working on it, and we take a good look at everything inside.
Incredibly, that penis is seventeen inches
It would go straight through a person is that the reasoning?
I’ve heard of stuff like this she says,
It’s nearly always some freak, some guy
And I won’t say this to her but I don’t think we should be conflating the two,
I like guys I think they’re really smart and I would honestly
Hear them out on most topics if it came down to that. So freaks,
Freaks freaks, I do like the way it spins in my mouth a little bit.
We look and look and then we figure it’s time we turn around and get home
Well I don’t really like the blanket that I’m sleeping with
On the sofa but I don’t want to pressure her so I’m staying there
And the blanket will absolutely do when we turn the heat off at night.
Lying there sometimes with the woolprint on my cheek I’m afraid I’ll start to hallucinate
And it itches like a motherfucker and so I think, motherfucker
And I think, nice thong you too and I think when did I stop getting smarter.
If I was one of them I would probably hang my tongue out of my mouth
You know what I mean, when a girl goes by I figure I should try to understand
What the guys go through cause I’m a real dog too, that way they’d see I’m
Usually nicer than the moments they catch me in
When I’ve got Naomi around or even when I don’t because
I can’t seem to hide by myself either and if I’m going to be on that couch at least I would like
For nobody to know.